Sonia Jain welcomes us with her warm smile and her cute dimples, ready to answer our questions. For those who still don’t know her, she’s an excellent Yoga teacher in Mumbai city, an enthusiast dancer and an expert in the use of trapeze for yoga poses and fitness. We want to share with you her answers and insights on the Yoga topics we addressed to her:
Read MoreThe Indian Counsellor and Yoga Teacher Ajay Kalra throws some light on this topic:
In my journey in personal growth two schools of thought have contributed immensely. They are Yoga and Psychology. Both deal with examining the mind. While yoga talks about transcending the mind, psychology focuses on understanding the mind. I see them as father and mother. Let me explain.
Read MoreI have never been a good friend of heights. Ok, planes don't count. In a plane everything looks like a Google Maps picture, it almost doesn't feel real. You are comfortably seated, there is a double layer window...
My problem is when the height looks me in the eye, when I can feel its breath on my face and the floor threatens me from tens of meters below... ok, maybe just few meters... but still...
Read MoreYogic meditation (Dhyana) implies an uninterrupted flow of attention and focus during a long period of time, so you cannot "meditate in a minute" properly speaking. However, the strategy explained by the Buddhist master Mingyur Rinpoche in this video for The Huffington Post, can be really helpful to start taking control of your mind through a busy day.
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